Celebrating the Greatest Day

10 05 2012

He was just like any other kid, only not. A first born is never ordinary — two becoming one in a tiny, eternal soul. Parenthood remains as it has been since the garden, a holy stewardship granted to the clueless. But the God who gives is always good. He provides.

And this one, he kept us on our knees. Strong of will and body and mind. A presence to be reckoned with. He came forth from the womb fighting, and his intensity only increased. Surely the Lord had mighty purposes in store, we thought. Surely He would harness this passion to His purposes. We prayed, and we believed. We loved and we delighted (sometimes in spite of) and we turned each page of this unfolding story with prayerful joy and expectation.

But God’s ways are not our ways. And can we still say, when our whole world crumbles and doctors offer little hope — when the unthinkable becomes reality, can we still say God is always good? That He provides?

The story unfolds as written, and sometimes He means to set ripples in motion — to bring others into the story and to make our stories part of theirs. The Author knows His craft. Beg though we might that He edit these portions clean out and bring us our Happily Ever After in the big middle of the Painful Right Now, He writes with design — plans formed long ago — and perfect faithfulness demands that we live this chapter before the next will make any sense at all. He asks only that we trust, and even the grace and power to do that, He gives.

And so, slowly, he comes back to us. Awakening to the new, much of the old gone forever, washed away in the waters of God’s severe mercy. He comes back to us, weakened in body, weakened in mind, blazing radiant in spirit.

He comes back to us and to the many who entered his pain and shared a portion of this baptism and whose lives will never be the same. He comes back with a new song to sing, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.

Today is the greatest day, and he is in it. It was the greatest day when he made his entrance into this world, ten-plus pounds of feisty fury. It was the greatest day when he first penned those words at fifteen and taped them above his bedroom door. And it is still the greatest day today, his thirty-first birthday.

The story continues, and we turn each page with prayerful joy and expectation. The always good God provides. Really, truly, He does. And that’s a beautiful thing to celebrate.

{Dear friends, if you would like to wish Jacob a happy birthday in the comments, I will be delighted to pass along your wishes to him. Love to all this great day. What a gift to be in it.}




17 responses

10 05 2012

Happy Birthday Jacob! May God continue to bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you peace.

10 05 2012

Happy birthday Jacob! You are such an inspiration to our family.
All our love. Matt, Kristin, Molly Michael and Madie Skinner

10 05 2012
Sandra Heska King

Happy, happy birthday, Jacob. May our God of severe mercy continue to give you ever new songs to sing. The greatest day–indeed!

10 05 2012
Daniel Farrow

Happy Birthday to you Jacob! God truly IS good despite the trials and the challenges of life in a sinful world. May our Abba (Father), who is full of mercy and grace, continue to show you just how good He is in every moment and every day by the power of Holy Spirit. Mercy & Grace to you my brother-in-Christ.

10 05 2012

Dear Jacob ~ Happy 31st Birthday.

FlowerLady Lorraine

10 05 2012
Aunt Sharon D

Happy birthday, Jacob! We love you!

10 05 2012
Patricia Hunter

Happy Birthday Jacob!!!! You and your perfect joy and beautiful smile are a treasured gift. You, Jacob Damoff, are pure gold – and on this, your 31st birthday – a birthday you share with my beloved mama – I thank God for the gift that is you and pray His blessings on your life..

10 05 2012
Laura Swaim

Happy Birthday, Jacob!!

10 05 2012

Happy Birthday, Jacob! It is a joy to see your life and story from afar and to witness your radiant smile, love, and joy. God bless you this day and always – as we know He will!

10 05 2012

Wow, Jacob, what a Story, and a testimony to the faithfulness of God. Keep on smiling. And Happy Birthday to you! Blessings to your Mama and Family too. I’ll meet you in Heaven.

10 05 2012

Happy, happy birthday Jacob. Your story and your life encourage me in ways you cannot imagine. Yes – God is good all the time, and He has done glorious things in and through you.

10 05 2012
Barbara H.

Happy, happy birthday, Jacob! Hope you have a very special day.

10 05 2012
Carol Garborg

Dear Jacob, I know I’m a few days late, but I’d like to wish you a Happy Birthday Year. May God fill you up with light and life and joy.

11 05 2012
Simply Darlene

Sir Jacob, your mom is a friend of mine and a wonderful sister in Christ. I count it a grand day to be able to tell you HOWDY! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

May the Lord continue to bless all you do in His name.


12 05 2012

Oh bother, I am two days late! But Jacob, I wish you the happiest, fullest, most wonder-filled birthday. You are a gift! and you have blessed so many with your faith and joy and boldness. Happy Birthday to you!

And to Jeanne, a hug across the miles and all the blessings I can pack into it. Acceptance-with-joy: this is how I think of you. Such a light to give the world.

12 05 2012
Megan Willome

Happy Birthday, Jacob!

And Jeanne, I had a snarky post I was keeping myself from writing. Your story this morning was just what I needed. I will remain silent and send you my love for loving your son so well through all the stages of his life.

12 05 2012

Thanks so much, friends, for these thoughtful messages! I read them aloud to Jacob, and he loved them.

I appreciate each one of you. xo

Your comments are a gift. Please know I read each one with gratitude.