A Lamp Unto His Face

13 11 2009

Yeah, you read that right. When Rusty brought Jacob home Thursday he pointed out a small abrasion on his nose and a purplish spot on his lip. Apparently in the middle of the night, Jacob insulted the lamp on his bedside table and it in turn attacked his face. The injuries didn’t look too serious, so we laughed it off as a close call with a rogue light converted to the dark side. But this morning George took Jacob to the dentist for a regularly scheduled check-up, and the x-rays revealed a few problems.

First of all, Jacob had ten cavities. Yeah, you read that right, too. Ten. Cavities. They’re all small, crack-and-crevice types, but they all need to be filled. However, ten measly cavities pale in comparison to the other matter revealed by the x-rays. Seems the evil ninja lamp did more damage than we first estimated. Jacob’s right front tooth is slightly loose and fractured below the gum. The dentist said the tooth is lost and Jacob will either need a bridge or a titanium implant. No, I’m not joking. Wish I were.

The good news? Jacob is in no pain and has no trouble eating. There’s no hurry to act, so my vote is pray and wait. All things are possible with God. If He can create the world from nothing, He can restore a fractured tooth. Please join us in asking God for this mercy! Thank you.

In other news, I leave in a couple of hours to speak and lead worship at the Crossroads Baptist Women’s Retreat. My sister, Sharon, is coming along to sing with me. She has a beautiful voice, so that will be a treat for me and everyone present. Tonight “Marge” (my alter ego) will speak, and I’ll cover the three sessions on Saturday. I’m excited about all of it! These women have been praying for months, and I fully trust the Lord to show up and minister to them. What a joy and delight to be part of that encounter! I’ll let you know how it goes.

Have a beautiful weekend, everyone. I suggest candle light for both ambiance and safety. Thanks again for your prayers.



4 responses

13 11 2009

Ouch! I’m praying. Enjoy your weekend as well!

13 11 2009

Praying… hope your weekend goes well!

13 11 2009
lucas damoff

Yowzers. Titanium teeth sound pretty sweet though. Which tooth is it?


14 11 2009
Kimberlee Conway Ireton

I’ll be praying for healing for Jacob and a wonderful, God-infused weekend for you and the women you’re with.

Your comments are a gift. Please know I read each one with gratitude.